1. introduction
Registration of an application in Azure AD is only necessary for environments if:
the archive system is connected to Exchange
Migrations from/to Exchange are to be carried out
The step-by-step instructions are shown as an example for swap.
2. step by step instructions
2.1 Azure Active Directory
Azure Active Directory -> App registrations
Copy application (client) ID, required later in the stanoc configuration
Search for
Office 365 Exchange Online
These restricted rights may also be sufficient:
Copy and save value (required for stanoc configuration)
2.2 Restricting the app's access to certain mailboxes
Via Powershell: Exchange Online Management Module https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/exchange/new-applicationaccesspolicy?view=exchange-ps&preserve-view=true#example-2
$appid = "AppID der registrierten App" $groupname = "Gruppe der Postfächer, auf die der Zugriff erlaubt werden soll" New-ApplicationAccessPolicy -AccessRight RestrictAccess -AppId $appid -PolicyScopeGroupId $groupname -Description "Zugriff stanoc SWAP nur auf die Mailboxen der Gruppe $groupname erlauben"