Versionen im Vergleich


  • Diese Zeile wurde hinzugefügt.
  • Diese Zeile wurde entfernt.
  • Formatierung wurde geändert.


  • Use the analysis and evaluation as a search criterion for further processing

  • Transfer applications to new/existing Notes applications

  • Automatically move applications without benefits to the application archive (stanoc Archive) and make them platform-independent/readable

  • Convert the access rights to the access rights of the Notes target application or target system

  • Interpret/export the design (via per stanoc NSF Exporter Shift) to JSON, Javascript, Mendix, Microsoft Sharepoint

  • Interpret/convert/export the data (via per stanoc NSF Exporter Shift) to JSON, Javascript, Mendix, Microsoft Sharepoint

  • Interpret/convert/export the data (via per stanoc NSF Exporter Shift) to EML, PDF, PDF-A, SVG format.